Attorney Resume Submission

This Form is for Attorney Resume Submissions ONLY 

To submit an Executive or Support Staff Resume please click the corresponding button below.

Executive Resume Submission Support Staff Resume Submission

    If you are uncomfortable filling out any portions of this form, or are unable to provide an answer, type N/A in any box that is a required field. Failure to enter something in a required field will cause a form error, and the system will not submit your form. Please feel free to contact our office at 813-532-2594.

    Today's Date (required)


    How did you hear about Infinity Talent Solutions? (required)

    If a family or friend referred you please list their name below or type N/A. (required)

    Are you working with other recruiters/staffing agencies?

    If Yes, who?


    Full Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Have you been known by any other last name or alias over the past 5 years? If so, please provide the name(s). (required)

    Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip (required)

    How long have you lived at this address? If less than three years, please provide your prior address(es). (required)

    Home Phone(required)

    Cell Phone (required)

    Work Phone

    Emergency Contact Name

    Emergency Contact Number

    Driver's License Number (for purposes of running a criminal background check. If you are uncomfortable providing this information at this time, please type N/A and you can discuss this further in person with one of our consultants)

    Date Of Birth (for purposes of running a criminal background check. If you are uncomfortable providing this information at this time, please type N/A and you can discuss this further in person with one of our consultants)

    If you are willing to provide permission to run a criminal background check at this time – please check the YES box provided. (required)

    Attorneys, please provide your bar number and the states or districts in which you have been sworn in, and are active or inactive members.(If you do not have a bar number, please type N/A)


    Current or Most Recent Employer (required)

    Current or most recent position (required)

    Current or most recent salary (required)

    May we contact your current employer? (required)

    Degree Type (required)

    College(s) (required)

    Class Rank "JD only" (required)

    Please list any extracurricular activities, honors, etc for your undergrad and graduate school years. (required)

    Areas of Specialty

    Please list your areas of specialty: (required)


    Please list your computer and office skills: (required)

    Please provide a 1-2 paragraph summary that may be used to market your skills – similar to what you might put in a cover letter to summarize your skills and experience that you would like a potential employer to know about you. This is the time to “toot your horn” – don’t hold back. Example sentences for the paragraph(s), "6 year associate with 5 years of first party insurance defense experience with a top national law firm. Graduated top 10% of law school class – law review and moot court participation. Experience includes first chair in over 100 bench trials and three jury trials – total 95% success rate. Conducted over 1,000 depositions, and 500 mediations. Brought in over 50 million in settlement funds during my 5 years with this firm. Willing to work evenings and weekends." (required)


    Desired Position (required)

    Desired Salary (required)

    Desired Location (required)

    List all Firms that you are interested in applying to (required)

    List all Firms that you have applied to within the last six months (required)

    List all Firms that you would not want to be submitted to (required)


    Please list three professional references – preferably former supervising attorneys

    Name (required)


    Place of Employment(required)

    Phone #(required)


    Name (required)


    Place of Employment(required)

    Phone #(required)


    Name (required)


    Place of Employment(required)

    Phone #(required)


    Please Upload Your Resume

    (Only Microsoft Word Files are accepted.)
